Divine Love, Divine Creator,
You invite us into the shoreless sea of your deep silence.
You initiate us into wisdom and knowing we cannot express.
You call us to share your love and your compassion
with one another, and especially with those in need.
Guide us with your indwelling Spirit, so that we may truly be
icons of your sacred, joyful presence.
This prayer was inspired by one of my favorite songs: “Tonight and the Rest of My Life” by Veruca Salt co-founder Nina Gordon. A song about liberation and ecstasy built around the image of a fallen angel, Gordon combines soaring music with mysterious, neo-Platonic lyrics to evoke a sense of timelessness, presence, and wonder. Here’s a peek into her lyrics:
Gleaming in the dark sea
I'm as light as air
Floating there breathlessly
When the dream dissolves I open up my eyes
I realize that
Everything is shoreless sea
Weightlessness is passing over me…
Everthing is waves and stars
The universe is resting in my arms…
Check out the song for yourself. And I hope you enjoy the prayer!